University of Washington 2022/2023

I (Mark), had the opportunity to study abroad at the University of Washington (UW) in Seattle for the 2022/2023 school year. I was an exchange student at their Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) department. I mainly choose to study courses that I could accredit to my master's degree (MSc Software Technology) at KTH in Stockholm, Sweden.

Panorama showcasing many different occasions and events with friends.
Packing list

An excel document with things I packed for the trip, modified to include some items that I forgot.

Exchange courses

A somewhat messy excel doc with all the courses I read at UW, when I read them, my personal mappings to KTH courses along with other useful links to resources. For links referring to past years, simply swap out the current year/quarter in the URL as UW has good domain management and tends to reuse the same url structures.

PDF - Exchange report

My final report for KTH talking about the exchange as a whole.

Panorama showcasing many different occasions and events with friends.
Mountain in frame